KEEPER is an Artificial intelligence that focuses on the culture and history of Black people. It is built of personal stories of family and collective history, memory, black thoughts on Utopia, hope, joy, and many other concepts that are often not highlighted and brought to light. The point of KEEPER is to highlight the experiences of many different black people, encapturing their thoughts into responses that are unique to them and not gathered through datasets not relevant to them. KEEPER can speak on all black history, but its purpose is more to highlight the everyday lives of black people their thoughts and perspectives.
KEEPER also has a sculptural installation element that integrates LED Lights.  KEEPER has many parts, for the voice I recorded my voice and added different voice modifications to divert what is offered by many AI companies. As KEEPER speaks to the participants it will generate a visual response within the sculptural component, generating an animation and three distinct colors. This helps the participants see that KEEPER is an active AI, not just something that can not only speak but communicates in a way that is not foreign to us using color as an aid. 
KEEPER’S purpose is to be an AI that is built on the voices and perspectives of the Black community and to shape a counternarrative to what is taught about black people, giving voice to a multitude of black experiences and thoughts showing that Black people are not monolithic in our personal and collective histories.
KEEPER was shown at One Art Space in May 2024
Concept and Ideation sketches 

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