All Eyes on U highlights the inherent dangers of facial recognition and surveillance, particularly in the context of race. Despite the rapid advancement of technology, racial biases persist in many facial recognition software systems.
The piece is interactive, and as viewers approach it, they are tracked by cameras, and their facial expressions are evaluated. This feature is a powerful way to convey the intrusiveness and potentially harmful effects of such technology. I also created a collage that serves as my own version of a biometric data set. All Eyes on U supports the central concept of the piece, which is to raise awareness about the need to address racial biases in facial recognition and surveillance technology. The viewer's interaction with the piece serves as a poignant reminder of the ways in which technology can infringe upon our privacy and civil liberties by inflicting harmful racial biases.
Media: Arduino, P5.JS, EP32 cams, Collage print on Canvas
Dimensions: 33x55 in,
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